AV in shared teaching spaces

More than 60 attendees recently enjoyed a conference on AV in shared teaching spaces at Mansfield College. Organised by members of our Educational Media Services team, the event was of benefit to all those involved in managing AV in the University. With speakers from Oxford, Jisc and a number of US Ivy League universities, the conference was a great success with lively discussion and thoughtful analysis on sharing knowledge and experience.

All speakers and members of the audience made this a very productive event. The talks were recorded using the Replay lecture capture system and are available to view online.

The programme included:

The history of Oxford and our philosophy of teaching

David White, Director of Student Systems, Oxford University

Once upon a time… A personal view of educational technology

David Baker, Head of IT Learning Centre, IT Services, Oxford University

A new learning space initiative at Princeton

Rich Bakken, Director of Instructional Support Services in OIT, Princeton University

Space planning for the future

Brian Medernach, Director Classroom Technology & Operations, Stanford University

AV spaces at The Ruskin School of Art

Jon Roome, Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University (Recording not available)

Intelligent campus / analytics

Steve Hoole, Senior Analytics Consultant, Jisc

Using internal resources for AV design and programming

Jeff Douthett, Director Classroom Technology Services, University of Pennsylvania

The HIVE room at the Saïd Business School

Dominik Lukes, Digital Learning Technologist, Saïd Business School, Oxford University

(CART) Communication Access Real-Time Translation installs for hearing impaired accessibility

In larger university venues

Ron Dunleavy, Media Technology Manager, Brown University

Acoustics in learning spaces

Andrew Page, Manager of Integrated Audio and Video Engineering, Cornell University

Audio over ethernet and overspill streaming

Tim Chatzigiannis, Said Business School, Oxford University

The Oxford AV SIG (Special Interest Group) will coordinate more meetings in 2019. To find out more email replay@it.ox.ac.uk or subscribe to the AV discussion maillist by sending a blank message to av-discuss-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk.

Our Educational Media Services team also provides an IT/AV consultation service which offers advice and guidance on equipping lecture rooms and teaching spaces with IT/AV equipment related to teaching and lecture capture.

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