Avoiding Plagiarism and Research Integrity courses moved out of WebLearn
These courses have been moved to CoSy, so please update any links you have to them
10 October 2022
IT Services
Now that support for WebLearn has been discontinued, the online Avoiding Plagiarism and Research Integrity courses have been moved from WebLearn to CoSy, the University’s course management tool.
This move also provides Departments and Divisions with a way of running their own reports on the uptake and completion of the courses (via Power BI).
Please update any information about, and links to, the former WebLearn courses in your documentation or website.
If you created your plagiarism guidance page using the Canvas templates, you will not need to update anything, as those links will be automatically redirected
There is now a permanent redirect from WebLearn but please update your own links as soon as possible
We are aware that departments and colleges have finalised their documentation to new students for the new academic year, and apologise that due to circumstances, the new course links were not available earlier.
Here are the new links. For technical reasons, the quizzes are not embedded within the courses, but have separate links.
Student FAQ page about accessing the new versions of the courses
If existing students have partially completed the course(s) on WebLearn, they should send a request to cosy-support@it.ox.ac.uk to be given access to the backup links on WebLearn in order to pick up where they left off. Note that a VPN connection is now required to access any material in WebLearn
If you have any questions about the move to CoSy, please contact weblearn@it.ox.ac.uk