A Christmas gift just for you

Christmas is nearly here! Although this year is a little different, it's still lovely to cosy-up by the fire and relax, and we have just the thing to help you escape while you are safe at home. 

As a little gift we've selected our top ten festive podcasts for you and all the family - there are songs, stories, science and more. See what you can discover from the comfort of your favourite chair...


Decorations hanging by ma boite a photos on Pexels


  • Words for winter - Gathering together tales from all over the globe, of tradition, family, darkness, light and celebration.
  • Christmas stories from Oxford University - Popular Christmas tales, with seasonal greetings and best wishes

  • Why Dickens? - A short talk by an expert from the English Department about Dickens' life and influences and why these have made his works so popular.

  • A Christmas carol in prose - ebook version of A Christmas carol in prose: being a ghost story of Christmas

Science (and maths)

  • Christmas science lectures - World renowned scientists aim to entertain and inspire the next generation with their (often explosive) insights into science.
  • Learn how mistletoe grows - This year's Back Garden Biology series delves into fascinating facts about things you see around you, including mistletoe!
  • Why Rudolf has such a shiny nose and other mathematical Christmas magic, such as how Santa gets down all those narrow chimneys...
  • Can Yule Solve My Problems? - Alex Bellos challenges you with some festive brainteasers as he tells the story of mathematical puzzles from the Middle Ages to modern day.

Podcasts can be listened to online through the web page or you can subscribe to the series on an iPhone or other smartphone using the links on the series page.

Season's greetings to everyone!

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