E-expenses project progress

Despite current circumstances, work continues to replace the University’s paper expense claims form with an online system, SAP Concur. This means most expense claims will be submitted and approved electronically either via computer or smart device, and can be progressed wherever you are working, whether on the go, at home or in the office.

A phased rollout of SAP Concur from August​​​ 2020 is planned, although this is dependent on the prevailing situation at the University and the readiness of individual departments and participating colleges. The rollout will start with a small number of departments, which will be identified in due course, acting as SAP Concur early adopters to pilot the system before it is gradually introduced more widely.

silver and copper round coins

Key activities being undertaken:

  • The project team would like to thank everyone who attended the online demonstrations of SAP Concur (the Proof of Concept exercise) earlier in April.  The feedback from delegates has been very useful and answers to questions raised at these sessions will be collated and published online
  • A data collection and cleansing exercise is now underway to ensure SAP Concur is populated with accurate and appropriate information regarding cost codes, project names and the approval hierarchy. Finance colleagues in departments, colleges that are adopting SAP Concur and UAS have been asked to start this exercise
  • Detailed testing of SAP Concur (user acceptance testing), is planned for June.  This will check that everything works as required and enable any discrepancies or bugs to be identified and fixed before launch
  • Alongside these activities, the project team is planning how to help users through the change, including communications, training and provision of on-line information and guidance.

For further information please see the Finance Division website.  If you have any questions or suggestions please contact the project team.

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