Fright night

Do the witches, wizards and other such individuals that we see in films and on television have any basis in fact? Why are people fascinated with death? These questions need investigating! As we approach All Hallows Eve, our team of podcasting experts sent us a fascinating selection of talks related to death and magic to share with you.  

Death at the museum

A series of short talks taking a fascinating look at death from more than one perspective. These podcasts range from the Roman art of dying, to death masks, Egyptian art, Victorian literature and more. Oscar Wilde even makes the cut. Curious? Have a listen to our Death at the museum podcasts.

The history of magic

What is magic, when did it begin, and does it still have a place in the modern world? Professor Chris Gosden discusses the long history of magic from the Ice Age, through antiquity, to the present. Find out more about the history of magic.

Putting magic in place

Academics from different disciplines (archaeology, history, folklore), together with representatives from English Heritage, the National Trust and other heritage organisations, examine the residue of supernatural sites across the land. This fascinating collection of talks delves into local versus national identity, generational engagement, and competing layers of story. Explore magic across the land

Magic not for you?  Browse all of our podcasts, covering innumerable topics, on our podcasts website – there’s something for everyone! 

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