Help shape the future of IT at Oxford

Do you work or study at Oxford University? If so, this is your opportunity to help shape the future. The University IT Strategic Plan 2019-24 is for the whole University, not just central IT Services – and many of the priorities should help Departments, Divisions, and other units with their planning.  All this, in turn, impacts on every member of the University one way or another, including you. 

All you need to know is set out in a discussion forum. It’s easy to participate, just sign in using your SSO. So have a look, and take this opportunity to participate in shaping the future of IT at your University. The forum will remain open until 29 March 2019.

Any comments you may have are welcome, but please consider these questions in particular:

  • Does the vision capture where we should aim to be in five years?
  • Does the context capture the pressures you are aware of?
  • Do the Guiding Principles, and Themes and Priorities address the key challenges in IT facing the University?

Following this round of consultation, the draft Plan will be updated and submitted to Council for consideration in Trinity term, ready for adoption for the 2019-20 academic year.

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