Want to know what services we offer you?

Our Service catalogue brings together contact, user and business information to provide a holistic view of all the services we offer. You can browse by role to see what might be appropriate to you, choose to see all services or search the catalogue. Services are also arranged by key area, such as Desktops and devices or Research support.

service catalogue screenshot showing 8 categories - only for illustration - go to https://services.it.ox.ac.uk/ for live catalogue.

Typical questions the catalogue can help with include:

  • How do I raise an incident for a particular service?
  • Who do I contact for support?
  • Is there training or more information available?
  • Do I have to pay for the service?

​​With all the key information about our services, this is the hub for all central IT Services information.

Please take a look through and explore the options.

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