News from IT Services - Hilary term 2022

With Hilary term well underway, we are pleased to share this term's News from IT Services.

This issue includes new 'collections' of advice on our IT Help website, an update on new features in Teams, plus tips on some handy apps. We provide the latest updates from our projects including WebLearn decommissioning and our popular Education IT and IT projects digests. We also showcase the work that our teams support across the University, such as enabling top quality websites for important vaccine work and the rollout of the new eExpenses system.

Don't forget you can keep your IT skills up to date with the excellent courses and workshops offered by our IT Learning Centre - you'll find the latest updates and what's on offer in the training section.

As always, more news, events and previous newsletters are always available on our IT Services website news and events page. You can also follow us on Twitter @ox_it, for hints, tips and IT news.


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