Payslips and P60s - we're finally going paperless!

University employees have been able to access their payslips and P60s online since the launch of HR Self-Service in 2018. During this time, they have continued to receive paper versions of these documents. However, from June 2020 the University will cease the issue of paper payslips and P60s for the majority of staff.

Going paperless will bring a number of benefits:

  • Instant - access payslips and P60s as soon as they're published
  • Secure - all your pay documentation held securely, in one place
  • Sustainable - saving around 25 trees a year and approximately £31.5k per year in print costs.

This initiative is led by Human Resources in partnership with IT Services. Further information, including timescales, will be shared via the Staff Gateway HR Self-Service page

If you have any questions about this, please contact the project team

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