Our top three tips to ensure a smooth return to onsite working for units and divisions
24 March 2021
Departments may be planning and preparing for increased on-site working following the publication of a roadmap for resuming additional University and college activities.
Return to onsite working (RTOSW) guidance for departments has been shared centrally, and we would like to draw your attention to IT-related aspects of this.
IT tips for re-opening your office
If staff will be returning to work in your offices please follow the below steps to help ensure a smooth transition.
Remind staff to check that they know their username(s) and password(s), and have their phone or other multifactor authentication token with them, as they may be prompted to log in and/or update passwords.
Help is available
If you are unsure about any IT aspect of the RTOSW guidance then please contact the Service Desk for advice.