Influencing the development of Teams

Don't see the feature you hoped to in Teams? Or do you have a great idea? Did you know you can make suggestions and influence developments? Read on to find out how.

Influencing Microsoft's developments

You can submit your great ideas and vote for Teams features you'd like to see developed. The more votes an idea gets, the more likely it is to become reality. And for those sceptics out there, yes, it does work! Our users have already influenced the development of a number of features through this forum - join in! 

If you want to know more, don't forget you can keep an eye on the Microsoft 365 roadmap to see what they have planned for Teams.  

Influencing Oxford's Teams apps 

Do you know about a great third-party app that would benefit your colleagues? The Nexus Evaluation Group has been set up to make recommendations for apps to be made available in Teams at Oxford University. Before an app is deployed, this group looks at all aspects of it, including security and accessibility. You can submit your favourite app for consideration and vote on ones that other people have suggested - here's more information about how to participate.  

Teams training and advice

Find out what's on at our IT Learning Centre. We run 'Teaching with Teams' courses and more (both online and teacher-led) - just search for ‘Teams’ in the course listing section. 

Also, any member of Oxford University can join the Nexus365 User Group (NUG) to see the excellent Q&A section and latest Teams announcements. You'll also find tips, tricks, quick start guides and more. It’s easy to join - you are not alone out there!

Here's how to join the NUG:

  • In Teams, go to 'Join or create a team' (at the bottom of your Teams list)
  • Select 'Join a team with a code' and type in LNJVOFR
  • Click 'Join team' and you're in!

Top tip

If you realise you've made a mistake in your chat message, hit the 'up arrow' on your keyboard and you are taken back into editing the message to fix your error.

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