
IT Services charges for the financial year 2023/24. All prices are per annum unless otherwise stated. Please click on the service(s) you are interested in to find out more.


Service 2023/24 2024/25
Consultancy - hourly rate £110 £116
Consultancy - daily rate £620 £651


The minimum charge is for one hour and we normally charge to the next full hour.

We do not provide holiday cover.

For more information please review the IT Consultancy entry in our Service catalogue.

For new contracts, we only offer fully comprehensive server management. We will work with customers holding existing monitoring contracts to migrate them to our fully comprehensive management service. The charges are as follows:​​

Type of server management Type of server operating system  
  Linux Windows
Comprehensive £8,539 £8,539
Monitoring (deprecated) n/a £4,808

For large multiples of servers please contact us to discuss prices.

The above prices are based on the supply of a virtual server running in the University's private cloud and include the rental of the virtual server. (Note: the Server management service provides a fully managed virtual server and so is different from the Hosted VMs service.) A basic virtual server is provisioned with 2GB RAM, will have access to 1 vCPU and 50GB of storage. A suitable physical server may be purchased in preference to a virtual server. In this case the customer will bear the cost of the hardware and any additional hardware maintenance that may be required. The server specification must be agreed by IT Services in advance of any management contract being taken out.

More RAM, CPU and storage can be provided. These will be charged at cost, in line with the private cloud hosting (see below).

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept new Linux managed server customers.

For more information please review the Server management entry in our Service catalogue.

Current web hosting

The table below indicates the annual charges that apply to the existing service.

Storage requirement Annual cost
<= 250MB £374.96
<= 500MB £628.93
<= 1GB £809.87
<= 15GB £997.35

Please note that any support or work incurred will be charged at our hourly rate.

For more information please review the Web hosting entry in our Service catalogue.

Consultation and deployment cost

Charged at the standard IT Services day rate of £620, the total will depend on the complexity of the firewall in question. We will provide an estimate for consultation and deployment after an initial meeting to discuss your needs.

Purchase cost of firewall hardware

All firewall pricing comes complete with 5 years manufacture hardware warranty and all software updates for the device. There are two options for support: 

  • Working hours (8x5) support - this includes access to support services via telephone, the customer support web portal and online chat system. Faulty units need to be returned to Fortigate by the customer via courier, before a replacement unit is dispatched. Expected turnaround 3-5 working days. 
  • All hours (24x7) support - this includes access to support services via telephone, the customer support web portal and online chat system any time day or night. Faulty units are replaced next business day; the faulty unit needs to be returned to Fortigate by the customer within 30 days. This is our recommended option.

For details of current models, please contact us via the IT Service Desk.

FortiGate firewall device specifications are available on their website.

IT Services has negotiated preferential pricing for your unit’s chosen firewall device. All firewall pricing excludes VAT and is subject to change as it is tied to the USD exchange rate. All pricing assumes Ethernet connectivity and not fibre. Should a unit wish to take advantage of the preferential pricing, please contact us.

UTM option

Unified Threat Management (UTM) features are available on all FortiGate models with the exception of the 70D. We have also negotiated preferential pricing for enabling UTM features, if you are interested in using UTM please ask us for details.

VDOM option

Virtual domains (VDOMs) are a method of dividing a FortiGate unit into two or more virtual firewalls that function as multiple independent units. VDOMs can provide separate firewall policies and, in NAT/Route mode, completely separate configurations for routing and VPN services for each connected network or organisation.

Managed firewall support costs

This support fee allows your unit’s recognised points of contact to submit any support request or rule set change to our team of technical experts.  

  • £1,595 per annum per firewall device (or HA pair)
  • then £150 per annum for each additional VDOM if deployed

Other information

For questions relating to the firewall service, please contact the IT Service Desk.

All firewalls, purchased through Nouveau Solutions Ltd, come with 5 years hardware manufacturer warranty and software updates. After this time the device will need to be replaced to remain within the IT Services management scheme. IT Services will contact you in good time, so you can ensure that your budget projections are accurate, and assist you through the renewal processes.

IT Services​ firewall contracts can be cancelled by giving one month’s notice and a refund of the monies paid towards the yearly support fees can and will be given. VAT has not been included in any figures being presented. 

For more information please review the Firewall management entry in our Service catalogue.

Orchard fully managed service

Providing comprehensive Apple device management including end user support.

IT Services carries out the operational tasks and supports end users directly.

Device type Annual charge 23/34 Annual charge 24/25
Per macOS device £300 + base fee £285
Per iPhone/iPad £88 + base fee £92


Charges will be applied annually, based on devices and users that are active in August. There will not be any credit/refund for services or access removed in-year.  The base fee will no longer be applied.

Orchard tools for IT support staff (ITSS)

Allowing departmental IT staff access to the Orchard infrastructure to manage their unit's devices. Permission to carry out many tasks is assigned to local ITSS; local ITSS provide support for users in their unit.

Device type Unit fee Per device
Laptop/Desktop Management £4,227  £23
iPad/iPhone Management £2,285 £18


For units joining or leaving mid-year, and for significant changes in device numbers, fees may be charged pro-rata. 

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud applications are available to Orchard customers as an optional add-on. They are provided as Named User licences, which may be activated on two devices, e.g. a workstation and a laptop, as long as the product is not used simultaneously on both devices.

Shared Device licences are also available, but are normally only provided for use on shared machines in lab-type or more public environments, for example in suites used for teaching.

Adobe provide Creative Cloud licences via a subscription model, renewable annually. The costs shown are for a 1-year subscription, renewing in June. Subscriptions taken out part way through the year will be charged pro-rata until the first renewal.

Adobe product Licence type  
  Named user licence Device licence
Adobe Creative Cloud (full suite) £276 £216
Adobe individual application £132 n/a


For more information please review the Managed Apple devices entry in our Service catalogue.






Managed staff PC and remote desktop service
Item   Annual charge 23/24 Annual charge 24/25
Per Windows device, inclusive of one user   £272 £285
Per additional user   £210 £220
Remote desktop service   £80 £83
Per MacOS device     £285


Charges will be applied annually, based on devices and users that are active in August. There will not be any credit/refund for services or access removed in-year.

All Oxford private cloud prices are per calendar month.

Virtual machines Monthly cost
Standard virtual machine
(1 vCPU,2GB RAM, 50GB storage, 1 virtual NIC)
Additional memory (per GB) £8.50
Additional vCPU    £8.50
​Additional storage (per 20GB) £3.50

Discounts may be available for larger storage requirements, please contact us via the IT Service Desk.

For more information please review the Cloud: Hosted VMs entry in our Service catalogue.

All Oxford private cloud prices are per calendar month. 

Virtual data centres Monthly cost
Small (10 GHz, 20GB RAM, 500GB storage) £330
Medium (20 GHz, 40GB RAM, 1000GB storage) £660
​Large (30 GHz, 60GB RAM, 1500GB storage) £990

​​CPU provided with a 25% guarantee. If you need assistance in pricing or specifying a virtual machine please contact us via the IT Service Desk.

For more information please review the Cloud: Virtual data centres entry in our Service catalogue.

All Oxford private cloud prices are per calendar month.

Secondary storage Monthly cost
per TB £6 (typical)


For more information please review the Cloud: Secondary Storage (Scality) entry in our Service catalogue.


RFS is free at the point of service for researchers wanting to store up to 20 TB of live research data.

For research projects requiring larger volumes of data storage (>20 TB) a yearly cost will be incurred (available in blocks of 10 TB). 

Option Annual cost (excl. VAT)
Projects up to 20 TB Free
Each +10 TB block above 20 TB £2,795


For more detail on the service, including guidance on allocations, please see the RFS page on our IT Help website

All data centre prices are per calendar month. Charges are raised annually in advance during August, with any balancing charge required to be applied in July before the financial year end.

Co-location services Monthly cost
​Private rack rental ​£165
​Private half rack rental £105
​Private third of a rack rental £80

Electricity usage charged back at Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) 1.5x supply price to cover additional cooling costs. 
For reference: Supply price was 37.44p/kWh in March 2023. This is charged to IT Services by the University Estates Services on a monthly basis. IT Services use this figure to re-charge to customers at the same rate except for the PUE calculation as above.

Co-location pricing examples

To help customers understand our pricing we have some examples of typical costs for putting your equipment into the University Shared Data Centre (USDC).

Below are a collection of example uses of the USDC and the monthly costs associated. All energy usage has been costed at 12p per kWh.

We do not charge setup fees, network connection fees or bandwidth charges. We only charge for the space used, power consumed and power used to cool equipment.


USDC @12pkWh + rack rental

Standard server room (power-only)

Inefficient server room (power-only)

Full rack (high power 7kW) £907 + £165 £1,209 ​£1,512
Full rack (4kW) £518 + £165 ​£691 ​£864
Half rack (2kW) £259 + £105 £345 £432
Third rack (1.5kW) ​£194 + £80 £259 £324

For comparison we have included the electricity cost of running the same equipment in an average server room (PUE of 2) and an inefficient server room (PUE of 2.5).

For more information please review the Data centre management entry in our Service catalogue.

The charges in the tables below are based on prices negotiated with the supplier. As these can change, costs will be reviewed regularly.

For upgrades/new connections part way through the year the annual charge will be applied on a pro-rata basis.

Charges with effect from 1/8/2023

FroDo connections

Option Connection bandwidth Charge for new connection   Annual charge*  
Single connection (Option 1) Up to 2 Gbps £3,512 £0
Single connection 10 Gbps £7,025 £1,405
Single connection 40 Gbps £18,732 £3,746
Dual connection (Option 2) 2 Gbps £7,610 £820
Dual connection 10 Gbps £14,634 £2,927
Dual connection 40 Gbps £38,050 £7,610

*For upgrades/new connections part way through the year the annual charge will be applied on a pro-rata basis.

Data centre annex connections

Option Connection bandwidth Charge for new connection   Annual charge  
Baseline Upto 2 Gbps £0 £0
Single connection (Option 1) 10 Gbps £2,341-£14,635 [1] £1,054
Dual connection (Option 2) 10 Gbps £2,341-£14,635[1] £1,756

[1]The exact charge will be subject to a design review, as in some instances existing FroDos may need to be upgraded to accommodate the additional circuit(s).

Layer 2 adjacency charging

Option Connection bandwidth Charge for new connection   Annual charge  
L2 L2 £585 £234
L2 L2 additional sites (per site) £117 £47


Ettin service charging

Connection charge  Annual charge  
£585 £234


Sponsored and BCE Cxs

Connection charge Annual charge
£3512 £5854

Connection upgrade costs

Current option Connection type To: 2 Gbps single 10 Gbps single 40 Gbps single 2 Gbps dual 10 Gbps dual 40 Gbps dual
-1 100 Mbps £0 £6,495 £17,319 £3,789 £13,530 £35,179
0 1 Gbps £0 £6,495 £17,319 £3,789 £13,530 £35,179
1 Single Baseline 2 Gbps   £6,495 £17,319 £3,789 £13,530 £35,179
Single 10 Gbps     £17,319   £7,036 £35,179
Single 40 Gbps           £35,179
2 Dual Upto 2 Gbps         £13,530 £35,179
Dual 10 Gbps           £35,179

For more information please review the Central networks (Odin) entry in our Service catalogue.

Subscription Costs for University Public Wi-Fi Service (Sky/The Cloud)

Premise size

IP range

IP addresses

Connection charge (exc. VAT)

Connection charge (inc. VAT)

Monthly fee (exc. VAT) 

Standard access (240 min)

Monthly fee (inc. VAT) 

Standard access (240 min)

Monthly fee (exc. VAT)

Unlimited access

Monthly fee (inc. VAT)

Unlimited access

Petite /25 125







Little /24 250







Standard /23 500







Large /22 1000







Extra-large /21 2000







WEF 06/11/19: Two extra options have been added (Petite and Little) and the other three options renamed. In particular the ‘old Medium’ option is now the Large option and the ‘old Large’ is now Extra-Large.



The Managed Wireless Service Charge is an annual charge based on the amount of wireless access points required within a building to give good coverage for all required areas.

The amounts below provide guidance on the potential cost, with the size bracket being fully determined for a building once a survey has been carried out. Hardware and licencing costs are not included in this charge. 

Managed Wireless Service charges

Size AP amount Cost per year
Extra small 1-5 £175
Small 6-20 £700
Medium 21-50 £1750


51-80 £2800
Large 81-120 £4200
Extra large 121+ £POD





Price 23/24 Price 24/25

Basic lecture/event recording - 60-90 min    

Video/Audio recording with sound feed from PA system or provision of radio mics & basic edit*, podcast hosting


£227 per camera/technician £238 per camera/technician

Livestreamed lecture/event lasting between 60-90 mins

One-off charge for pre-event connection test in location. Recording and livestreaming of event with minimum of two cameras/technicians to University’s livestream platform and/or social media sites, basic edit*, podcast/livestream hosting  


£779 £818

**Short 3-5min research impact film

Two hours filming/one day editing to produce draft edit for approval + one set of corrections before mastering    £714 £750


Editing of pre-recorded material to a script provided by client***   £487 per day £511 per day

More complex work will be charged at the IT services standard day rate per technician

    £511 per day/per technician

These prices are set for work carried out Monday to Friday only - weekend work is subject to quotation and staff availability. Minimum charge of £220. 



*   A basic edit includes minor sound/colour correction and the addition of up to four title/end credit slides before producing a master file for web use. Anything more will be charged at the IT Services day rate of £511.

** This excludes any expenses incurred, additional graphics, music or copyrighted works for which payments may be due. Any extra time spent on this type of project that falls outside the hours included will be charged at the IT Services standard day rate of £511.

*** The client must either own the pre-recorded material or have permission from the copyright holder to use it before any editing can be carried out.


Price list 2024/2025 (annual cost excl VAT)*

Platform subscription (incl. 1 TB storage)


Libnova platform with 1 TB  


Standard mode (hot) 

Additional storage per TB

Annual cost (excl. VAT)

Additional TB (0-20) 


Additional TB (21-100) 


Additional TB (101+) 



Archived mode (cold) 

Additional storage per TB

Annual cost (excl. VAT)

Additional TB (0-20) 


Additional TB (21-100)


Additional TB (101-200)


Additional TB (201-300) 


Additional TB (301-600)


Additional TB (601-1PB) 


Additional TB (1PB-2PB) 


Some features like search, preview, metadata management may be limited or unavailable while the container is archived (in cold storage). 

Other charges

Status changes Per transaction

Changing the container status from Standard to Archive (freeze operation) 


Changing the container status from Archived to Standard (unfreeze operation) per TB 



*  Material stored in 'hot' storage can be directly accessed, viewed, and downloaded. Material in 'cold' storage can be searched (not 'full text' search) but not accessed unless it is first moved to 'hot' storage (an 'unfreeze' charge is made).


IT support tools


Item   Annual charge 23/24 Annual charge 24/25
Oxford Service Manager, per user   £552 £569
BeyondTrust Remote Support, per user   £221 £228
Xtraction   £POA £POA


Professional services commissioned in association with any of these tools will be charged at the IT Consultancy rate shown at the top of this list of charges.

Power BI Pro license

All Oxford University Nexus users have access to Power BI as a consumer of data reports. If you need to be a Report Writer (to analyse data and create reports) you require a Power BI Pro license. See further information on the Power BI overview page. The charges for this are:

Power BI Pro license charges

Item Charge
Power BI Pro license initial set-up and first year £120*
Power BI Pro license subsequent annual charge £50*
Power BI consultancy (for complex set-up of reporting requirements where Data Reporting, Architecture and Modelling (DRAM) team assistance required IT Services consultancy rate


*These charges will be reviewed annually.

All centrally-managed annual Microsoft licenses held by the University come up for renewal in September (regardless of when they were bought in the preceding 12 month period). As an existing PowerBI Pro license holder your department (Cost Centre approver) will be contacted by the IT Services finance team annually in June or July to confirm whether or not your license needs renewing.

Telephony charges

The service charge for Chorus consists of two main parts:

  • an annual charge (line rental, as listed in the table below) for owning a number (linked to a system license behind it)
  • a £4.72 flat rate call charge bundle per line, subject to a fair use policy

In addition, if the number is an analogue connection then a £75 p.a. fee will be added to the standard charge.

Financial year 2024/25
Line rental £64 per line
Call charge bundle £4.72 per line
Analogue line rental £139 (£64 + £75)
Critical line rental £64


For more information, including a description of the fair use policy, visit the Chorus billing page on the IT Help website.

Teams Room Pro Licenses

From July 2023 Teams Room devices will require Teams Room Pro licenses. Charges will apply to new accounts requested from 3 July 2023, and to all accounts from 1 August 2024.

The full charge will be applicable for a new account, regardless of when it is requested.

Teams Room Pro license, per account (2024/25): £143.40 + VAT

Request tracker

The request tracker service is considered deprecated and we are no longer accepting new contracts. We will work with existing customers to migrate them off the service.

Annual cost: Managed request tracker £600

Configuration, customisations and other consultancy will be charged based on our hourly and daily consultancy rates (see above).

If IT Support Staff (ITSS) colleagues would like to place an order for any of the above services, please see our Customer information page for more information.

Please would Service Owners and Service Managers contact the Service Management Office (SMO) to arrange updates to this page.