*NEW* Nexus365: Collaborative working skills toolkit
Learn to collaborate effectively with OneDrive, OneNote and Teams and improve your personal delivery with PowerPoint videos
23 March 13:45
Are you struggling as a team to get the most from working in a hybrid manner?
Learn how to make the most of the Microsoft apps you have available through the University and take your collaboration skills to the next level with our Nexus365: Collaborative working skills toolkit. Try out these powerful collaboration tools in this hands-on session and learn how to work together on documents, share files and understand which tool to use in different scenarios
In the in-person workshop you'll:
Learn how to work collaboratively using Teams and OneDrive
Share your work using OneDrive
Record a video using PowerPoint
Receive feedback on your presentation skills using Speaker Coach
Create a record of your work using OneNote
Narrate slides using Rapidmooc
Places available on Thursday, 23 March 2023 - 1.45-4.00pm