Improving Wi-Fi at the collegiate University

The vision 

The Improving Wireless programme aspires to deliver one wireless platform across the collegiate University. User experience is at the centre of the programme, with the aim that wireless works consistently across the University, is easier to access, and can underpin strategic activities in support of teaching, learning and research. 

The approach 

Delivery of improved wireless across the University involves a complex process to ensure the programme has a complete understanding of each building including usage profile, scaled physical plans, Wi-Fi requirements, cabling details, asbestos status and any listed buildings requirements. 

A six-month pilot phase, to July 2024, is now underway. This is enabling us to: 

  • test the process for implementing the Managed Wireless Service (MWS) by working with selected departments and one college to improve Wi-Fi in a range of buildings 
  • collect information from colleagues about existing Wi-Fi challenges and future requirements in departments and colleges 

Implementing Wi-Fi across the University 

The results from the pilot will allow us to develop a costed implementation proposal for a scalable and supportable wireless service, for submission to Technology Portfolio Committee and then Information and Digital Committee (IDC) in June 2024.  


For more information, please see the Improving Wireless programme webpage


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