Developing the University's IT Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP)

The University’s new IT Strategic Plan was published in the summer, setting out the vision, guiding principles and priorities for IT provision for the next five years. The improvements will benefit everyone and will be delivered in close collaboration with colleagues across the University. 

Current activity is focussed on the development of an achievable and inclusive implementation plan. A workshop will be held this term with members of divisions, colleges, IT Boards, IT Committee, and IT support staff to assist with this activity.

Problem solving diagram

The workshop will use a structured problem-solving technique that first identifies ‘problem statements’ before designing any solutions in the form of actions. This technique has been successfully used by the Focus Programme and ensures that the ‘voice of the customer’ is captured and the problem correctly understood.

Successful delivery of the University IT Strategic Plan will significantly improve IT provision across the University, in terms of service, efficiency, and information and data security. Translating these aspirations into reality requires developing a SMART implementation plan that is well supported by the University’s IT and user communities. 

Feedback from this term’s workshop will help shape the proposed plan, which will be submitted to IT Committee in January 2020.​

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